Clinical Anesthesiology

Dr. med. vet. Alessandro Mirra

Dipl. ECVAA, PhD


+41 31 684 29 55
Postal Address
Vetsuisse Fakultät
Universität Bern
Departement für klinische Veterinärmedizin
Klinische Anästhesiologie
3001 Bern


2023-2024                Postdoc
                                  Anaesthesia Section, Department for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
                                  Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern, Switzerland
2019-2022                PhD student
                                  Anaesthesia Section, Department for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
                                  Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern, Switzerland
018-2024                 Clinical Instructor and Research Assistant             (Oberassistant)                                   
                                  Anaesthesia Section, Department for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
                                  Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern, Switzerland
2015-2017                 Resident for the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia
                                  and Analgesia (ECVAA)
                                  Anaesthesia Section, Department for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
                                  Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern, Switzerland


2023                         Scientific qualification as Associate Professor (Italy) in Veterinary Anaesthesiology
2022                         PhD (Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Philosophy) degree
                                 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bern
                                 “The pig as experimental model: are we ensuring animal welfare during anaesthesia?”
2018                          Dissertation (Doktor der Veterinär-Medizin)
                                  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Bern
                                  “Acute pain and peripheral sensitization following cautery disbudding in 1- and 4-week-old calves”
2018                          Diplomate, European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia
                                  and Analgesia (ECVAA)


2013                         Graduation of Veterinary studies
                                 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Naples (Italy)
                                 Thesis (Anaesthesiology; experimental study): “The rhinopharyngeal airway for upper airway collapse in dogs.”

  • Depth of anaesthesia monitoring strategies
  • Electroencephalographic assessment of anaesthetic depth and nociception
  • Recovery from general anaesthesia
  • Animal welfare in anaesthesia