Klinische Anästhesie


Prof. Dr. med. vet. Claudia Spadavecchia

Dipl. ECVAA, PhD


+41 31 684 29 57
Vetsuisse Fakultät
Universität Bern
Departement für klinische Veterinärmedizin
Klinische Anästhesiologie
3001 Bern


Since 2011-               Associate Professor, Head of Section
                                  Institute of Veterinary Anaesthesiology and Pain Therapy
                                  Department for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
                                  Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern, Switzerland

2008-2010                 Assistant Professor, Head of Section
                                  Institute of Veterinary Anaesthesiology and Pain Therapy
                                  Department for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
                                  Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern, Switzerland

2006- 2007                 Clinical Instructor
                                   Department of Companion Animal Clinical Sciences
                                   Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway

2003-2005                  Research fellow
                                   Institute of Veterinary Anaesthesiology and Pain Therapy
                                   Department for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
                                   Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern, Switzerland

2001-2005                  PhD student
                                    International Doctoral School, Faculty of Biomedical Science and Engineering
                                    University of Aalborg, Denmark

1998-2002                 Resident for the ECVAA
                                  Anaesthesia Section, Department for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
                                  Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern, Switzerland



2006                          Habilitation/Privatdozent  (Venia docendi) in Veterinary Anaesthesiology
                                  “Basic physiology and pharmacological modulation of the Nociceptive
                                  Withdrawal Reflex in horses”
                                  Anaesthesia Section, Department for Clinical Veterinary Medicine
                                  Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern, Switzerland

2005                          PhD (Doctoral degree philosophiae doctor)
                                  International Doctoral School, Faculty of Biomedical Science and Engineering
                                  University of Aalborg, Denmark

2005                          Diploma in Veterinary Acupuncture
                                  Association of British Veterinary Acupuncture (ABVA), Bristol, UK

2003                          Dissertation (Doktor der Veterinär-Medizin)
                                  “Quantitative assessment of nociception in horses by use of the nociceptive
                                  withdrawal reflex evoked by transcutaneous electrical stimulation”
                                  Vetsuisse Faculty of Bern, Switzerland

2002                          Diplomate, European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia
                                  and Analgesia (ECVAA)

1997                          Dissertation (Doctor in Veterinary Medicine)
                                  “Evaluation of an intravenous anaesthetic protocol in the horse”
                                  Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pisa, Italy



1997                         Graduation of Veterinary studies
                                 Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Pisa (Italy)

  • Physiology and pharmacological modulation of nociception
  • Withdrawal reflex model in pain research
  • Quantitative Sensory Testing
  • Clinical strategies to treat acute and chronic pain